Post Time:Sep 04,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:428
Indian glass fiber market is set to grow substantially in the next five years. The glass fiber industry in India is mainly driven by its domestic consumption by government, NGOs, and civic bodies. The Indian government use glass fiber in their defense segment and some projects may have more than 50% glass fiber materials used in them. Though the glass fiber industry slowed down during recession, it has gained momentum after 2011. According to market forecasts, India glass fiber market is expected to reach 754 million pounds ($752.7 M) by 2018.
This study provides a concise overview of the Indian glass fiber market in terms of value and projected annual growth.
The author discusses the various challenges and opportunities faced by the Indian glass fiber resin market. The raw materials needed for the Indian glass fiber market are priced higher in India than in the international market and that affects the cost competitiveness of composite products. This is challenging for the industry. The demand for glass fiber is increasing in the Indian market due to high construction activities and also because fiber glass offers versatile shape and design. It is an affordable and cost-effective material when compared to other reinforcement materials.
This study encompasses the major drivers. Wind energy is a growing market and in this market, the demand for glass fiber is increasing at a healthy pace. Glass fiber is the most preferred material for wind blades because of its high strength-to weight ratio and high durable strength.
This report highlights different aspects of Indian glass fiber market. Due diligence has been given to the current market scenario in India.
The Indian glass fiber market is expected to grow substantially in near future. The top players need to formulate effective marketing strategies to take advantage of the opportunities, resulting in improved revenue and profitability.
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Source: shangyi
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