Post Time:Oct 12,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:290
Breaking glass is easy. But fusing it back together? That's an art form.
"People walk in off the street and it's like they're walking into a candy shop. They see all of the colors and the shapes and they're just happy," said Fusions Glass Studio marketing director Stephanie Rodeghiero.
It's a textile art-form that has nothing to do with stained glass or blown glass.
"It's somwhere in the middle, where you're layering glass, and manipulating it and it's all done with the heat of a kiln," Rodeghiero said.
The studio's owner, Linda Crouch, says it can become a bit of an addiction -- starting out with just project can lead to a world of possibilities.
"I got my plate, and it was just so exciting that I had to go back and take another class," she said. "Then I had to go back and take another class, and then I had to take my sister to a class!"
At that time, Crouch was living in Seattle. So when she moved to Boise, she decided it was time to infuse the valley with a passion for glass fusion. She set up shop in downtown Eagle.
"I'd teach the first class, those people told their friends, they showed them what they made, and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with people who wanted to learn this art-form," Crouch said.
"Pretty much anything you want to make out of glass, we can help you do it," Rodeghiero said.
It's not just about the classes, though. Fusions Glass is a full-service studio offering walk-in projects, open studio time, supplies, gifts, and even a rotating art gallery featuring a new artist every month.
"There's so so many things you can do with glass in a kiln," Crouch said.
So many things -- provided your kiln is at a temp between 1400° to 1700°! By playing with shards of glass, you might be surprised at the inner artist in you.
"Ssome of them say, 'I'm not creative,' but once you start touching and layering glass and colors, something happens and they just bloom and they get into the zone," Rodeghiero said.
It may be a little dangerous, but at Fusions Glass Studio, mistakes are inspirational.
"People very quickly become comfortable with working with glass, and not worried about breaking it. Even if you break a piece of glass, you can use the pieces in another. We don't throw anything away! we use everything," Crouch said.
Source: shangyi