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Schueco UK Demonstrates Commitment to Sistainability Through Launch of New 'Green' Façade and Window Systems

Post Time:Mar 19,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:109

The importance of sustainability in building is now firmly established in the UK construction industry and as part of a corporate Schueco initiative known as ‘Thinking Ahead’, Schueco UK Ltd is launching two new aluminium systems, the FW 50+.SI Green Façade and the AWS 90.SI+ Green Window, that support the concept.    

Available in the UK later this year, these systems take as their starting point the fact that buildings consume about 40% of all the energy we generate and are ultimately responsible for the majority of harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Schueco’s response has been firstly, to increase insulation levels still further so that both new systems can achieve up to PassivHaus standards, thus decreasing a building’s energy needs dramatically. Secondly, the company is turning to the natural world for the raw materials needed to manufacture key components in the new systems.

The Schueco AWS 90.SI+ Green Window, for example, incorporates bio-polyamide isolator bars and an insulation zone filled with PUR bio-foam (a constituent raw material for both these features being derived from the castor-oil plant). In addition, it has a bio-EPDM glazing rebate gasket manufactured from a sugar-cane base.

The Schueco FW 50+.SI Green Façade also utilises renewable raw materials in components such as gaskets and pressure plates which, nonetheless, have the same technical and structural properties as those in the super-insulated Schueco FW 50+.SI Façade.

All these bio product components are officially DIN certified and since aluminium is 100% recyclable, with known reserves of its raw material – Bauxite – being estimated to last for at least 300 years, these new ‘green’ systems are properly sustainable.

Indeed, Schueco UK sees both systems as being pioneers in a new generation of building products that will not only reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but will also fully satisfy the ecological criteria of the environmental lobby.

For further details about the Schueco FW 50+.SI Green Façade and AWS 90.SI+ Green Window, please email mkinfobox@schueco.com .

Schüco – System solutions for windows, doors, façades and solar products.

Together with its worldwide network of partners, architects, specifiers and investors, Schüco creates sustainable building envelopes which focus on people and their needs in harmony with nature and technology. The highest demands for design, comfort and security can be met, whilst simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions through energy efficiency, thereby conserving natural resources. The company and its Metal, PVC-U and New Energies divisions deliver tailored products for newbuilds and renovations, designed to meet individual user needs in all climate zones. With more than 5000 employees and 12,000 partner companies, Schüco is active in 78 countries and achieved a turnover of 2.23 billion euros in 2011. For more information, visit

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/18587/Author:
