Post Time:Aug 07,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:172
YKK AP is on a mission to reduce energy consumption by enhancing the performance of commercial building envelopes
AUSTELL, Ga. — July 23, 2012 — YKK AP America, the leader in manufacturing high quality architectural products, today announced the launch of its nationwide Energy Saving Tour. Rather than just spreading the word about its enerGfacade® product line and using advanced framing systems to design low-energy buildings, YKK AP is on a mission to educate architects on the latest energy codes affecting building design and strategies available to obtain low-energy, high efficiency commercial buildings.
Architects can request a one-on-one visit on the Energy Saving Tour route by signing up at A sneak peak video featuring some of the advanced facades available can be seen at
“Our goal with the Energy Saving Tour is to educate architects and advocate the use of high thermal performance facades to reduce energy consumption, with the ultimate goal in achieving net-zero commercial building construction,” said Mike Turner of YKK AP America. “We’re going from city to city telling the story about saving energy and the benefits of high performance building facades and advanced framing. This is an exciting time in the industry, and we think this nationwide tour is a fantastic way to spread the word!”
YKK AP’s line of products meet and exceed the new 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), which has been approved and awaiting adoption by each state. The US Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that the 2012 IECC will achieve a 30 percent increase in energy savings compared to its 2006 predecessor – capturing a goal pursued for the last several years by the DOE. Beginning July 1, Maryland’s state law now requires all counties to follow the 2012 IECC. The 2012 IECC requires a fenestration assembly U-factor for storefronts of 0.38 BTU/hr·ft2·°F (2.16 W/m2·K) in climate Zones 4 and 5. Other states will soon follow suit.
The Energy Saving Tour is a campaign to not only educate the market on these new building codes, but to show architects just how they can specify products and advanced framing strategies to meet the codes for low-energy commercial building designs.
“The IECC 2012 levels will require a change in the way architects specify fenestration products and our Energy Saving Tour will help educate architects on how to ensure compliance,” said Turner.
YKK AP launched its Energy Saving Tour in Washington, DC at the AIA 2012 Design Expo with the latest addition to its enerGfacade® product line, YUW 750 XT unitized wall system.
About YKK AP America
YKK AP America Inc. manufactures a complete line of aluminum entrances, storefronts, curtain walls, sunshades, and windows for use in commercial and institutional construction. YKK AP aluminum products are manufactured in ISO 14001 certified facilities in Dublin, Georgia – a standard for businesses that operate in a sustainable manner by reducing pollution and waste. The company has also been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy for Exceptional Leadership in Industrial Energy Efficiency. The company is also a leading producer of window products for use in new construction and replacement in homes and light commercial structures. Its residential products are manufactured in a highly automated manufacturing facility located in Macon, Georgia. YKK AP America is based in Austell, Ga. It is a subsidiary of YKK Corporation of America, whose parent company is global manufacturer YKK Corporation of Japan. For more information, visit