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Annual publication launched celebrating our industry awards

Post Time:Apr 19,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:183

18 April 2012 - Launched today, Celebrating Excellence, Our Industry Awards, is an annual publication showcasing Aurecon’s technical excellence and strong collaborative partnerships with our clients.

Paul Hardy, CEO, said, “Encouraging innovation and technical excellence is embedded in Aurecon’s culture. Our people are highly motivated to deliver successful project outcomes and add real value to our clients’ businesses.”

“In this awards publication, we celebrate with our project partners our collaborative achievements during 2011. We also honour the contribution our people make to their field and to their local communities, said Paul.

Award winning projects spanning Aurecon’s industries and geographies are featured, along with our people who have been recognised by respected institutions for their active involvement in their industries and in their local communities.

Paul added, “To be recognised for excellence across the many industries in which we operate is very rewarding. Congratulations to everyone involved!”

Award winning Protea Court Rooflight, South Africa

Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/15658/Author:

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