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"Energy Plus" Special Show

Post Time:Mar 27,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:165

Energy conservation and generation with windows, facades and glass

The megatrend towards more energy-efficient buildings is expected to create a market worth billions of euros. The "Energy Plus" Special Show from 21.3. to 24.3.2012, held as part of the leading trade fair "fensterbau/frontale" in Nuremberg, Germany, will therefore present the technologies that will enable the window industry to take advantage of this trend. These technologies include thermally-optimised designs, installation and assembly methods and glass, vacuum insulated panels (VIPs), building-integrated photovoltaics, intelligent ventilation systems, automatically-regulated components and shading systems, and heat storage systems. The Special Show will provide assemblers, installers, manufacturers, designers, planners and investors with high-quality, product-neutral information about the technologies available, future requirements, and the relevant documentary evidence. The event is organised by the trade fair company NürnbergMesse, the ift Rosenheim, and the glass, window and facade association of the German state of Baden-Württemberg (GFF).

The energy turnaround may represent a challenge for theindustry worldwide; but it will also create a vast market forenergy-efficient technologies. However, the transition to asustainable economy and energy market can only be effected successfully through the use of an intelligent combination of energy conservation and energy generation. Buildings, the heating and air conditioning of which accounts for some 40 % of total European energy use, will play a key role here. Quite rightly, the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directiverequires all new build to be “nearly zero energy” by 2020. The building envelope will be pivotal in achieving this, because intelligent concepts in the building envelope can considerably improve the energy performance and living comfort in a building. The Special Show will reveal how the energy turnaround can become a reality with the help of windows, facades, glass and photovoltaics. This applies not just to new build, but also to the energy upgrade of existing buildings. The Special Show will also look at the latest findings from relevant research projects, and present the Energy Label for windows. The “Energy Plus” Special Show will focus on the following three areas:

  • Energy conservation with windows, facades and glass
  • Passive solar gain (glass, light deflection systems, solarshading)
  • Active solar gain (photovoltaics, storing energy using phasechangematerials or PCMs)

System solutions are called for that combine thermally-optimised components and glazing systems with photovoltaics and mechatronic components, that are intelligent, and that communicate with the building services and heating technology.The Special Show will give manufacturers, designers, planners and investors high-quality, product-neutral information about the technologies available, future requirements, and the documentary evidence relevant for investment decisions. The exhibits at the Special Show, supplied by leading manufacturers, will give an insight into how future-proof technologies look, and into what can be achieved within the building envelope today.

Late applications to take part in the Special Show arewelcome. Applications should be made to the iftRosenheim.

About the ift Rosenheim
The ift Rosenheim is a European notified testing, surveillance and certification body that is internationally accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Its focus is on the practice-oriented, holistic and rapid testing of all characteristics of windows, facades, doors, gates, glass and building materials. It aims to bring about sustainedimprovements in product quality, design and technology, and in standardisation and research. Certification by theift Rosenheim ensures acceptance throughout Europe. The ift also sees the dissemination of knowledge as anobligatory part of its work. As an independent institute, the ift enjoys a special status among the media, and itspublications document the current state of the art.


Source: http://www.glassonweb.com/news/index/15450/Author:

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