Post Time:Mar 19,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:148
Smart Glass windows offer a huge environmental benefit. In its “off” state, SPD SmartGlass reflects 98% of light dramatically reducing the need for air-conditioning (both the huge cost of installing it and the day-to-day cost of running it). Since smart glass is electronically operated, it can be easily controlled using a smart control system or a sunlight sensor, whether there are people inside the building or not.
According to scientists at the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), windows like this could save up to 8 percent of a building’s total energy consumption; SPD SmartGlass uses only tiny amounts of electricity to switch from dark to light making a huge net energy saving overall. Other benefits of smart windows include privacy at the flick of a switch (no more fumbling around with clumsy, dusty curtains and blinds), convenience (automatically darkening windows saving your upholstery and pictures from fading), and efficiency (electrically operated curtains are notoriously unreliable).