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Studio NYL launches Skins Group to provide full-service facade design

Post Time:Sep 21,2012Classify:Industry NewsView:146

Studio NYL, a Boulder, Colo., structural engineering firm, announced that it will launch a new dedicated Skins Group, October 1, with services offered internationally. The new Skins Group will provide full service fa?ade design specializing in thermal modeling, moisture/condensation analysis, in-depth detailing and more, according to a September 20 release.

While StudioNYL has focused on structural design and the constructability of skin and fa?ade systems since it's founding in 2004, its principals wanted to respond to client demand for a higher level of offerings, according to the release. To accomplish this, Studio NYL has expanded on the facade systems experience of Co-founder and Principal Christopher O'Hara by hiring additional dedicated architectural and engineering expertise. Starting October 1, O'Hara will lead the Skins Group as director, joined by Will Babbington, senior engineer and fa?ade consultant, and Derek Van Uffelen, modeler and junior designer.

"Because building skins generally deliver more than aesthetics, or the visual appearance of a structure's exterior implied by the term 'fa?ade,' we chose to name our new division the 'Skins Group'," O'Hara explained, in the release.

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