Home > News > Industry News > More glass falls from W Hotel; owners to replace all glass panels on balconies

More glass falls from W Hotel; owners to replace all glass panels on balconies

Post Time:Jun 28,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:128

The W Hotel inAustin will replace all of its glass balconies after three more fell crashing to the ground Monday [June 27]afternoon. W Hotel officials said that they believe one glass panel on the 31st floor fell and that falling debris broke two additional panels on the 29th and 22nd floors, according to a June 27 MyFox Atlanta report.

People at the scene could hear the hotel make an announcement over its loudspeakers warning residents and guests to stay off the balconies. A W Hotel spokesperson told MyFox Atlanta that they are currently trying to determine what made the panels fall. Two weeks ago, glass panels from two balconies crashed into the pool area.

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