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NSG Group opens Vietnam float line dedicated to solar energy market

Post Time:Jan 20,2011Classify:Industry NewsView:176

The NSG Group, Japan,has announced the re-commissioning of its VGI float line at My Xuan in southern Vietnam, according to a Jan. 19 release. This follows work to convert the line to produce coated glass for use in photovoltaic applications. The line will manufacture the NSG Group's NSG TEC solar energy products, for export to Asia and elsewhere. The furnace start-up is planned for March 2011.

The VGI line was initially opened in 2008 to produce clear float for the domestic market in the southern part of Vietnam. Float production ceased in 2009 and the project for the solar energy coating line was launched in January 2010.

The re-opening of the VGI float line has created 400 new jobs and training of the new employees is already underway, according to the release.

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