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New ads intensify fight on union bill

Post Time:Apr 13,2009Classify:Industry NewsView:212

The fight over a stalled bill that would make it easier for unions to organize workers is entering a new round, with the nation's largest business association and big labor unions gearing up competing efforts to sway a small group of senators.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is launching a $1 million television advertising campaign that takes a new line of attack against the Employee Free Choice Act, highlighting a provision that would allow federal arbitrators to set the rules for unionization if management and employees fail to negotiate their own deal.

The Chamber TV spots running in the home states of key senators on the issue feature management-level employees saying the legislation would allow "a bureaucrat from Washington" to tell people how to run their businesses.

The new Chamber ads will hit the airwaves in Nebraska, Virginia, Louisiana, North Dakota and Colorado -- states whose senators could be swing votes on the issue, according to an April 13 article in The Wall Street Journal.

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