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Furnace Solutions 10 at Lucideon on 4 June 2015

Post Time:May 07,2015Classify:Industry NewsView:469


The Furnace Solutions conference will be held on Thursday 4th June 2015 at LUCIDEON, in Stoke-on-Trent.  More information is available on the event website http://www.furnacesolutions.co.uk/Pages/Venue.html


Topics for FS10


Richard Hulme

Guardian Industries Corp

Mental Models


Joaquin de Diego Rincon

Combustion Market Manager


Praxair's OPTIMELT (trademark) Heat Recovery Technology - Operating Experience from a Commercial Glass Furnace


Alain Grangeret

What is the best burner for my glass furnace?


Mark Pudner of GTS and Neil Simpson of Simpson Combustion and Energy

Would you like a Service with your MOT?


Gerry Miller

M.G.M. Glass Melting

The Melting and Refining of Low Iron Float Glass.


Roland Heidrich


An update on new Developments in Fused Cast Refractories


Menno Eisenga

Glass Service, CZ

Intelligent furnace design & control to increase overall glass furnace efficiency


Andries Habaraken


Furnace design optimisation; experience benefits from modelling


Training Day programme


"Fundamentals of Glass Quality "


All presenters, who are not part of the Melting Technical Committee [MTC], will be eligible for ‘The Michael Garvey Award’ - for the day's best presentation. The recipient of the award is decided by members of the MTC present on the day.  The 2014 - FS9 -year Garvey Award went to Erik Muijsenberg for his presentation titled “Complete model-based control of glass production.”



Part of the success of these events is due to the many sponsors of the events. this years sponsors are Glass Worldwide, Tecoglas , KTG, Zedtec, Eclipse Combustion Systems Ltd, Calumite, Parkinson Spencer Refractories, Global Combustion System Ltd, GTS, FIC (UK), IRE, Lucideon, BOC, IOM3, DSF Refractories FOSBEL and Fives Stein Ltd.

Source: Society of Glass TechnologyAuthor: shangyi

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