Post Time:Jan 27,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:440
In 2015, the publishing house of the University of Mordovia book "Electric Light GLASS TECHNOLOGY." Author Sivko Anatoly Pavlovich, the author of about 100 scientific and educational works, 60 patents.
The tutorial discusses the chemical compositions eletrolampovyh glass, physico-chemical and technological properties of the molten, viscous and fragile state. The basic, auxiliary raw materials and processing aids.
Schemes batch preparation and methods of its processing. It sets out the processes occurring in the glass industry, their physical and chemical nature, as well as factors affecting the course of the cooking glass. Considered mainly a-marriage types of glass and glass products, their causes and remedies.
The role of the redox state of the glass in the production of thin-stve glassware. Described refractory materials for masonry, fuel and a device for combustion design the most important elements of glass furnaces, heat recovery unit exhaust gases. Detailed manufacture of glass products for the skins of light sources, their thermal processing, storage and transportation.
The annexes are given background information for the calculation of physical and chemical properties of glasses on their chemical composition, modes of annealing glass and others.
The book is primarily intended as a textbook for students and tank laurels daily, correspondence and distance learning specialty "Electronics and Nano-electronics - light sources"; "Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" in areas of "Chemical technology of inorganic substances and materials"; "Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials"; "Chemical Technology and Biotechnology", studying the discipline "Materials", as well as systems for scientific and industrial training.
It can be used in the daily activities of engineering technicians electrical lamp, lighting, instrument-making enterprises, production of container plants, leaf, medical, chemical laboratory and other types of glass.
Source: shangyi