Post Time:Mar 30,2016Classify:Industry NewsView:399
The idea of the Sequential Batching Module (SBM) is to adapt the mixing sequences of the batch plant such that not all batch ingredients are mixed together in one mixing cycle, but such that a sequence of mixing cycles with different raw materials is achieved- before mixing the final batch ingredients altogether. This “sequential batching”, which is already known in literature and partly in industry, is expected to have advantages in terms of homogenization and fast melting. If desired by the customer, we have the full capability to implement it.
For it, we have developed the module as an add-on with which also existing ZIPPE-Batch Plants can be upgraded. Firstly, a careful analysis of ZIPPE software engineers will determine if the SBM can be implemented. Secondly, after programming, the software upgrade will then be implemented on site.
We have recently already realized the Sequential Batching Module successfully.
For more information please contact:
Source: www.zippe.deAuthor: shangyi
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