Post Time:Apr 29,2016Classify:Company NewsView:503
A dividend of EUR 0.85 per share was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Gerresheimer AG held in Duesseldorf on 28 April.
The MDAX-listed Group manufactures glass and plastic primary pharma packaging together with products for safe and simple drug delivery such as insulin pens, inhalers and syringes.
“2015 was not only a successful but also an important year for Gerresheimer AG. In line with our strategy, we made many changes in our Company. We significantly enhanced our position and diversified in North America with a major acquisition. We sold our in-house glass tubing production activities and improved product and production quality by modernizing plants and machinery. And we created new capacity in regions where we plan to accelerate growth. Accordingly, we have proposed a dividend increase to EUR 0.85 per share, which is the fifth such increase in a row. The increase was voted through by a large majority at today’s Annual General Meeting,” said Uwe Röhrhoff, Chief Executive Officer of Gerresheimer AG, summing up at the Annual General Meeting.
The dividend of EUR 0.85 per dividend-entitled share will be paid out on April 29, 2016. This represents a 13% increase in the dividend. A divi-dend of EUR 0.75 per share was distributed in the prior year.
A large majority voted in favor of the resolution formally approving the acts of the Management Board and Supervisory Board in financial year 2016. Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Duesseldorf, was elected as auditor for financial year 2016.
At today’s Annual General Meeting, 78.80% of the capital stock was represented. The detailed voting results on all items of the Annual General Meeting agenda are available here:
Source: www.gerresheimer.comAuthor: shangyi
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