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What is next for the glass industry in 2013.

Post Time:Jan 23,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:415

Questions answered by Viktor Osipov, president of "StekloSouz Russia", Chairman of the org. Committee of the International Specialized Exhibition "GlassExpo"China Glass Network

Q: What will happen to the glass industry in 2013?

V.I. Osipov: In general, the domestic glass industry continues to steadily grow. However, serious problems experienced manufacture of glass containers for alcoholic beverages market and factories - manufacturers of crystal products. Approved measures to improve the health of these sectors of the glass industry. Need to be more careful approach to the planning of the industry in 2013. Perhaps the looming new wave of global crisis, it is necessary to revise some projections, including the manufacture of glass products for the construction industry, furniture, transportation and food. Miscalculation should not be allowed, or may begin irreversible investment processes.

Question: "GlassExpo - 2013" will be held from 29 to 31 October 2013. Is it too early to report on its planning.

V.I. Osipov: No, not too soon. "GlassExpo" - one of the largest international exhibitions in the manufacture of glass products, technology, equipment, raw materials, refractory materials, engineering. Exhibitors include over 127 companies, and the number of visitors exceeds 6000. Every fourth member comes from abroad, and for the organization of participation must be aware of our future activities.

Q: What services do the exhibition organizers?

V.I. Osipov: Visitors come to see the latest technologies of the world and therefore we must create for the maximum comfort: signed a contract with a large company that provides a presence in Russia "turnkey" of visas to the hotel of any class. Customs terminal is located directly in the IEC "Crocus Expo", logistics companies can successfully cope with their tasks. Exhibition Management is looking for exhibitors around the world, with its huge address database. The team of the exhibition "GlassExpo" helps visitors and participants to plan their participation in the exhibition, providing accurate and current information in two languages ​​at the same time.

Q: Why choose the exhibitors "GlassExpo"?

V.I. Osipov: It's simple. "StekloSouz Russia" - federal, professional, industry organization. Know us and trust us glass company in the world, in Europe, Asia and America. Russia and European countries abound manufacturers of food products, beverages, pharmaceuticals. Construction industry, transportation, furniture and other industries in need of glass products. All they are looking for products and materials of glass, machinery, equipment, raw materials, refractories, etc.

Q: And the reason why this event is happening in Russia?

V.I. Osipov: Russia is under the effective development in Moscow easily come out of Europe. It is noteworthy that the IEC "Crocus Expo" outside the Moscow Ring Road, which facilitates delivery of the exhibition of equipment, machinery of any complexity. The high position of the CIS countries in the acquisition of machinery and equipment. Exhibitors know that buyers in Russia and the CIS countries do not attend the major international exhibitions. Russian glass market is rapidly growing, a fact that the participants see the world's glass industry.

Q: Will there be parallel with "GlassExpo" held other important events?

V.I. Osipov: Yes, during the exhibition "GlassExpo-2013" will be held the annual International Conference on "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI», at the same date in Moscow will be the important exhibition on housing construction, equipment and machinery. This is a huge plus for visitors, so many activities at the same time in Moscow!

Q: Do you mean that visitors can see all the exhibits and take part in the conference.

VI Osipov: Yes, four exhibitions will be held at the IEC "Crocus Expo" is, "GlassExpo 2013", an exhibition of engineering «MASHEX», equipment «PCVEXPO», architectural and construction exhibition "Beautiful Houses" and "Salon Interiors", two exhibitions - "Expocentre": "Chemistry-2013», «HI-TECH BULDING'2013»-Building automation and electrical systems.

Conveniently, both the exhibition center are on the same metro line. Conducting "GlassExpo 2013" in conjunction with other projects, made possible by the built in Moscow, IEC "Crocus Expo", one of the largest in Europe. Take into account and significantly expanded the hotel chain, convenient subway line. We envisage the arrival 25,000 people working in different sectors, for which the simultaneous holding of these shows means a huge advantage.

Source: www.steklosouz.ruAuthor: shangyi

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