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Successful ggENOx installation in 3 container glass furnaces

Post Time:Sep 12,2013Classify:Company NewsView:458

glassglobal Engineering has completed a very successful installation at Cristalerias Toro in Chile.


glassglobal Engineering / glass global Consulting GmbH, part of glassglobal Group ("GGC") has completed a very successful installation of ggENOx at Cristalerías Toro S.p.A. in Chile ("Cristalerías Toro").


ggENOx was integrated in all Cristalerías Toro´s 3 end-port container glass furnaces. Two furnaces in continuous operation had not to be interrupted for the installation; the third installation was realized in a new furnace.


The ggENOx installations including a combustion optimization resulted in a NOx reduction by more than 40%.


Moreover these installations also brought an additional energetic advantage. Until today, Cristalerías Toro achieved an energy reduction by 3-5 % that still has to be proven long term.


"We are very happy with the ggENOx system and we now have achieved a position to cope with the governmental limit values and do not have to pay any penalty. The investment will be amortized within a very short period.", Alvaro Medina, Sustainable Innovations Manager at Cristalerías Toro, said.


"The performance of ggENOx over a wide production range with no parameter changes is quite impressive", Dipl.-Ing. Hans Mahrenholtz, MD of GGC added.


glassglobal Engineering / glass global consulting GmbH:

glassglobal Engineering / glass global Consulting GmbH is a part of glassglobal Group and consists of an innovative team of glass experts with comprehensive knowledge in melting, combustion and emission topics.


Cristalerías Toro S.p.A.:

Cristalerias Toro is a well established glass factory producing high-class bottles for wine, spirits, liquors etc. for local companies and internationally operating trade marks.

The company is a passionate organizer and supporter of ecological campaigns all over the country and operates with 70% recycled cullet.


For further information please do not hesitate contacting us.


glass global consulting GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. André Ommer

Grafenberger Allee 277

40237 Düsseldorf, Germany

Tel.: + 49 (0) 211 280733-0

Fax: +49 (0) 211 280733-22

Email: engineering@glassglobal.com

Web: http://www.glassglobal.com/engineering/

Source: glassglobal Group / Cristalerias ToroAuthor: shangyi

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