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AAMA Releases BIM Specification

Post Time:Aug 01,2013Classify:Industry NewsView:100

The American Architectural Manufacturers Association released AAMA 912-13, Voluntary Specification for Non-Residential Fenestration Building Information Modeling. AAMA 912-13 identifies and outlines minimum requirements for two widely used model types--design intent models, and project execution and coordination models--and is intended to be referenced in other industry standards, contract documents, proposals and marketing materials, according to a July 31 AAMA press release.According to AAMA 912-13, DI models are fenestration BIM models of “catalog” products of standard size and configuration that are often made available through manufacturers’ websites or industry warehouses/library sites. PEC models are project-specific fenestration BIM models that are provided at pre-defined milestones in the project execution process for insertion into the overall project BIM model.“As the commercial construction industry continues development and optimization of integrated workflow for the use of such modeling, the need for standardization and quality assurance in product models for windows, curtain wall, storefront and skylights has become apparent," said Dan Luoma, chair of AAMA’s BIM Task Group, in the release. "With this in mind, AAMA’s BIM Task Group developed AAMA 912-13. This specification should provide a more streamline BIM process for the fenestration industry.” Purchase AAMA 912-13 from AAMA’s publication store.

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