Post Time:Dec 03,2010Classify:Industry NewsView:205
Good Energies, a leading global investor in renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, today announced a follow-on investment in Sage Electrochromics, the world leader in the development, manufacture and international commercialization of electronically tintable glass – branded SageGlass. The follow-on is the latest in a series of investments by Good Energies in Sage Electrochromics since 2007. In addition to Good Energies, Saint-Gobain, the world leader in high performance glass, has announced contributing $80M of capital to the company. The financing will help fund the completion of the world's first, large scale electrochromic glass manufacturing facility. This investment reconfirms Sage's position as a game changing technology within the green building space. Additionally, as part of this round, TIAA-CREF has invested in Sage as part of a previously announced alliance with Good Energies to invest in the Green building sector, according to a Dec. 2 PR Newswire report.
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