Glass TEXpo™ 2014
April 10-11, 2014
Crowne Plaza San Antonio Riverwalk
San Antonio, Texas
Reserve Your Booth Today!
Glass TEXpo™ has the perfect booth location for you to capitalize on the one-on–one contact the trade show provides. There are various sizes and types of booths available to meet your company’s marketing needs: standard, premium and island. There is no limit on the number of booths purchased per company.
Booth Sizes:
$1,695 USD per standard 10×8 booth
$1,795 USD per premium corner 10×8 booth
$2,690 USD per standard 20×8 or 16×10 booth
$2,890 USD per premium 20×8 or 16×10 booth
$5,500 USD per island 20×16 booth
Companies that contract and pay in full within ten (10) days of signing the contract for space or by October 31, 2013 whichever comes first may take a $100 discount per company.
Included in your booth:
Booth space;
Eight-foot draped backdrop and three-foot draped side rails;
One free listing in the official program;
Free passes to Glass TEXpo (seminars and trade show) for your customers; and
One booth package including: (1) draped table, (2) chairs, (1) wastebasket and (1) company identification sign.
Ballroom is carpeted.
Booths are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis with a signed contract and payment.
Start Planning Early!
The Crowne Plaza San Antonio Riverwalk is offering a discounted room rate of $139 USD per night, single/double, plus tax until March 9, 2014, on a first-come, first-served basis. To book your room, call 888/233-9527 and mention either the group code GTQ or that you are with Glass TEXpo to receive the discounted rate.
Exhibiting Information:
Call Tina at 540/602-3261 or email her at